Contouramat HS
This is a new generation of small format production! The Contouramat HS, like it’s predecessor (below), does all the work of a full-sized double-end coping machine. Now we’ve taken it to the next level! Servo adjustment and HSK tooling gives us rapid changeover. Massive dual feed chains give us lightning-quick feed. Need high-production on a just-in-time scale? Here it is!
Vertical Magazine/Hopper with Adjustable Width & Pneumatic Equalizer
Jump-Cope, Cope Configuration as Standard, Perfect for Cabinet Doors!
Servo Adjustment of both Working Stations
Quick-Change HSK Style Tooling
Massive Drive-Shaft Powers Two Feed Chains
Optional Return-Conveyor Makes Coping a Single-Operator Process
Contouramat Standard
For faster or heavier applications, the Dualfeed Plus simply has no equal. We add the same chain feed system that you see on Friulmac’s multi-station double-end tenoners to maintain quality at another level of speed and capacity.